Support SQLuna Musician
Artist Luna Li on "Ko-Fi":
orArtist Luna Li "Patreon":
If you're not familiar with "Ko-fi" or "Patreon", they are the best things since when Twitter was awesome!
You give money to a person or organisation, and you support them to keep developing the things you love or you want them to keep making. But it is better than that! Sometimes I make custom stuff for people. A while a ago, I composed a Zheng Tune called "Dancing Abroad" for all my "Country Dancing" club frineds and supporters, and performed in the Lands Of Loyal Hotel annual event.
Lifetime supporters are on Ko-fi as well.
Personally, I'm more excited to check my Ko-fi page than Twitter. Everyone I support is super high quality, and they don't post too much! So I don't waste any time!
Even if you don't support me on Ko-fi , go support someone! It is a lot of fun.
Not Ko-fi or Patreon, but still awesome!
Really Old-School
Dundee, Scotland, UK.
It may take me a few months to deposit a check.
Please do not send international money orders. Thanks!
If you don't include an email address, I probably won't send you a thank you letter... because I'm confused by the postal service.
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